martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Working to help the sea turtles.

Dear Esmeralda

Hello! How are things? I’m here working to help the sea turtles for this week, where I’m working this summer is in a project conservation in Cancun, Mexico and It’s very fun!.

This project conservation is important because we help to save  the sea turtles. You probably think that all we do here is work to help the sea turtle, but it isn’t like that at all! Yesterday we went to the beach to collect trash for recycling and make things to collect money. We also organize many activities like  cooking a barbecue grill and going on a nature hike. We’ve already helped to save 30 sea turtles only in one day, it’s fantastic! 

The best part about this project conservation is that we helped the endangered species, to protect the environment and that continue reproducing the sea turtles. Really I’m very happy and I’m proud of doing this for the turtles.

I hope you’re having a great summer, too. Write back when you get a chance.

All the best,


domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Endangered animals.



The Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi).
Also known as the gray wolf, is the smallest breed in America but is one of the highest risk animals on the planet, due to the destruction of their environment as forests and temperate grasslands, poaching, and extermination campaigns promoted by government. Officially declared as an endangered species in 1973, yet still survive some of the Mexican wolves, about 50 wolves were released in reserves in southern Arizona and New Mexico. Its height is 65-80 centimeters and a length of 135 centimeters, with an approximate weight of 21 to 45 kilograms.


The Mexican prairie dog (Cynomys mexicanus).
The Mexican prairie dog is a species that is in the south and ever inhabited a small region of valleys and mountain pastures between Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi and even Zacatecas, Mexico. Today this species is extremely limited due to the destruction of their habitat, agriculture and livestock.
These animals live in burrows interconnected by a network of tunnels. Actually, they aren’t dogs; they are rodents relatives of groundhogs.


Vaquita marine, known as cochito. (Phocoena sinus).
Lives in booking the Gulf of California and the Colorado River. It is one of the smallest cetaceans and only species endemic marine mammal in Mexico. The Mexican government has invested 30 million pesos to achieve its conservation, it is an endangered species. In total there are 150 copies of vaquita marine. This animal measured
150 centimeters and weighs up to 50 kilograms, its color is dark gray and doesn’t jump like dolphins, emerges just a few seconds for take air. The fishnet of gill have caused that the vaquita marine is endangered. See a specimen of the vaquita marine is almost impossible.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Everyday English.



Consuelo: Hi, Adara and Erika! What are you doing?
Erika: oh, hi, Consuelo. We are just making some banners for the clean-up day at the local park the next week.
Adara: the clean-up day is very important to encourage people to protect the environment.
Consuelo:  Oh, really? Can I give you a hand?
Erika: Yes, we need to put up some posters and decorate the venue.
Consuelo: Yes, that’s no problem. What time?
Adara: around 7 to put up posters and one more hour to decorate the venue, would be great.  
Consuelo: Ok, see you at 7, the next week!
Adara: Great. Thanks, Consuelo!

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Charity event


The Jugueton is a charity event that is celebrated each year the January 6 in Mexico.

People and companies donate toys to the children of houses homes, landfills and hospitals.

Toys are delivered to the children as a gift from the three wise men every year.

The Jugueton is hold by TV AZTECA México with the objective of seeing a smile in the children.

Every year they aim to increase the amount of toys and invite  the society to participate.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

The hurricane



Well, here I am in the Caribbean and I can’t believe my eyes!
The hurricane has destroyed many buildings and conditions are terrible.
Our team has started to bring supplies and clear roads. There are people down of the rubble and some missing.
We have collected money for give food to the people than are in the street. Also more volunteers have just arrived. Together, hopefully, we can rebuild the Caribbean after this awful disaster!

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Biography Albert Einstein

Biography Albert Einstein

He was born on March 14th, 1879 in Ulm. He was a famous scientist, philosopher and physicist.

As a child, he grew up in Munich by his family. He attended Luitpold grammar school then he learned to play the violin because he was a very quiet child.  After when he was 15 years old left school and went to Milan because his ambition was to be a Maths and Physics teacher. He finished of study the university in Zurich in 1900. In 1901 he got a job in Swiss Patent Office and there he worked on Maths problems in his spare time.

Some years later , in 1905 he published scientific theories including “Special Theory of Relativity”. After in 1921 he won the Nobel Prize for physics and also published over 400 scientific works.

He died on April 18th, 1955 at 76 years old. He was a famous person and very intelligent person so he was recognized all over the world.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Mexican Legend



The Cheneques were a strange monster in the Mexican mythology. The Cheneques were small creatures about 1.20 m tall with the foot backwards, shapeless body and with a long tail, but also they didn’t have the left ear; and they lived at the forest and the jungle. The Cheneques were very naughty and they are similar to elves.

In the Mexican mythology the Cheneques lived at the forest and the jungle, they cared the nature, springs, trees and the wild animals. The people say that the Cheneques scare the children and disappear during 3 or 4 days and they doesn’t remember anything.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Traditional celebration.

Traditional celebration.


A traditional celebration in my country is the Carnival of Veracruz.

Every year on February 14th people in my country celebrate their friends and family members and go out toward the Malecon of Veracruz. It is a way to enjoy and delight of dance and try traditional dishes. People wear traditional dresses and costumes of different colors and shiny, because they celebrate the parties of the ancient civilizations.

The carnival of Veracruz is a very old celebration since 1925, the first queen was the miss Lucha Raigadas and a year later the carnival called “carnival the cheerful”. 



jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012





Frida Kalho impresses me the most because she was a great painted. She painted the "Autorretrato con traje de terciopelo".

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012


Dear Paul,

Hello, how are you?  I’m having a great time here in Chiapas ! We’re staying in the hotel ; it’s by the sea. The hotel room is very large and the weather is excellent !

Yesterday , we were to “El cañon del sumidero”. It’s very surprising and beautiful. The only awful  thing is that the boat was too fast and I was afraid also the day was very sunny and I got sunburned on my face and shoulders. Today,  we’re going to “San Cristobal de las casas”. Later, we’re going to Las Cascadas de Agua Azul in the municipality of Tumbala.

Tomorrow , we’re going to visit Palenque city. It’s famous for the archaeological site of Palenque I’m really impressed for the pyramids.
Well, I must go now. We’re meeting to eat in the in the hotel restaurant.

See you next week. 

I love


jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Eco- tourism.


Dear Angie
Guess what! I am at Cancun Mexico. It’s beautiful here.
Tomorrow I am going to visit places at Cancun like the largest underwater sculpture park! These sculptures are of life – size and they are representations of the local people and animals. I am taking a bus from Cancun to a stunning beach at Cancun where I’II take a boat toward a coral reef and also I’ll see the sea creatures and scuba dive near of them.
The sculptor made the statues to attract sea creatures and make people think about the environment.
I’ll definitely have a great time. I can’t wait.
See you.


martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Silverwood Theme Park, Idaho.

Silverwood Theme Park, Idaho.


IDE: Good morning, Silverwood theme park. How can I help you?
TOURIST: Hi. I am planning to visit the silverwood park tomorrow and I am calling for some information.
IDE: Sure. What would you like to know?
TOURIST: Well, firstly, what are the opening hours?
IDE: The silverwood park is open 11 am to 7 pm seven days a week.
TOURIST: How much does it cost to get in?
IDE: It's $41.99 for adults and $21.99 for children.
TOURIST: Ok. Just one more thing. What is the best way to get there by car?
IDE: Oh, it's easy. Just take Highway 95 from Coeur D' Alene, Idaho and continue straight.
TOURIST: The 95, right?
IDE: Yes, that's it. Can I help you with anything else?
TOURIST: No, I think that's all, thank you.
IDE: You're welcome. Enjoy your visit to the them park!

I am going to...

I am going to...

I am going to do my homework in the morning with my friend Esmeralda because it is a team work, also I am going to watch a movie with my boyfriend on Saturday at night.
On Sunday in the morning I am going to take breakfast with my family and then I am going to do the chores.  


Having a great time.

Having a great time.

ADARA: I usually take photographs while on vacation. I go sightseeing with my family,  also  I visit historical sites and museums and spend a lot of money  in souvenirs .
I don't usually try local food and I don´t lose my time staying in the hotel, I prefer staying in the beach all the day.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012


Ingredients.  (serves 4)
1 chicken in pieces.
1 bunch of broccoli.
1 spoon of oil.
¾ cup of white wine.
75 grams of butter.

First, wash the chicken and the broccoli, then in a saucepan boil them separately for about 15 minutes.
Melt the butter with the oil in a saucepan, add the chicken and the broccoli and fry to slow fire for 5 minutes.
Next, pour the white wine and cover the saucepan, leave it to slow fire, then add salt and pepper and stir until cook for 15 minutes.
Finally, serve warm with some rice or pasta and enjoy it!

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Adventure tour in south america.

Adventure tour in South America.

In Peru, We will climb the montain and then we will visit ancient monuments, where we will a spectacular view.
In Bolivia, we will drive a dune buggy along "El camino de la muerte", until Yacuma River, where we won´t swim with piranha because is dangerous.
In Chile, we will trek in the hill of San Cristobal and stay at a lakeside resort.  

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

An e-mail to Marcy.

Hi Marcy,
How are you? So, you want to know about my favorite dish from my country? Well, it's a dish called  quesadillas and it's very popular here in Mexico.
Quesadillas is a large tortilla. It has chicharron, quesillo, apazote, mushrooms, oil or fat also green or red sauce. It's very easy to cook. First, make a big tortilla of mass, then put it to sew and the  chop the chicharron and mushrooms, add the quesillo and wash the apazote. Then add all the ingredients within the tortilla and spread a little oil or fat and put sauce to taste, leave it sew for about 5 minutes. We usually eat quesadillas with a drink, preferably soda. This is a delicious dish! You should eat it!
How about you? Do you have a favorite dish?
Write soon!

Ruby's menu.


Consuelo: Hello. Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?

Veronica: I think we are ready... erm, can I have fried chicken?

Evelyn: I'd like a burger and fries.

Adara: I'd like an omelet and onion rings, please.

Consuelo: And what would you like to drink?

Veronica: I'd like a glass of orange juice, please.

Evelin:  I'd like a glass lemonade, please.

Adara: I´d like a cup a coffee, please.

Consuelo: Ok. so that's fried chicken, a burger and french fries, an omelet with onion rings, a glass of orange juice and lemonade and a cup of coffee.

Veronica: That's righ, thank you.

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Ordering food in a restaurant.


For breakfast, I always drink coffee or orange juice and fried eggs and toast.

For lunch, I sometimes have a burger, some fries and a soda. Once in a while I eat chocolate brownies for dessert. 

For dinner I cook pasta or beef with vegetables and a salad. Also for drink a hot chocolate and maybe a ice cream. 

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

An informal e-mail of advice

Hi Matt,
I´m sorry to hear that you´re having problems with your roommates. I think I can help you!
Why don’t you talk about this with your roommates? This way, you can explain how you feel and make them realize there is a problem, they can try to be quieter. Maybe they don’t know that you´re upset. You should also decide on a house rule like “no noise after 9 pm”. Then, you know you can always study and sleep after this time.
I really hope my advice helps! Write back and tell me what happens.


Lemon art: french style.

The Menton Lemon Festival

The Menton Lemon Festival takes place every February and March in the town of Menton in the south of France. People celebrate their lemons and oranges. It is  a huge event with a different theme every year. You can see artists creating giant sculptures made from oranges and lemons, visit the Citrus Exposition and admire the statues, buy local products, and watch the Parade of Golden Fruit. There are also night parades with dancers and fantastic fireworks.

Celebration: Panzones y las mulitas day.

"El dia de los panzones y las mulitas", takes place on thursday corpus day, every month of June in  Puebla city. This celebration has  acceptance between the catholics. Also it is very typical the crafts of  los panzones made of mud and las mulitas (donkey). People celebrate the day of the panzones y las mulitas with funny and colorful dances, and buying this crafts that are very cheap.
This day is famous because it is celebrated in the center of city in the Parian to be exact, where the people make a popular verbena with food as: chalupas, tacos, cemitas, cacao, atole,  also there are rides and fireworks at night.

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

My house.

My house.

I live in a single-store house.
There are 4 rooms. It has a kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a dinning room.
In the bedroom there is a bed, a TV, a closet, a bookcase, a table, a computer, a chair, a window, a door and four pictures.

In the neighborhood there is a butcher´s , a bakery, a school, a supermarket, a church, two parks and many shops.
My neighborhood  is quiet, clean and safe.


jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Buying a ticket.

Buying a ticket.

Evelyn: Can I help you?
Adara: I would like two tickets to colonia Uruguay, please.
Evelyn: One- way or round-trip?
Consuelo: One- way, please.
Evelyn: What time would you like to leave?
Adara: I would like to take the 2 pm by ferry.
Consuelo How much is it?
Evelyn: Ok. That's $300 dollars, please.
Consuelo: Here you are.
Evelyn: Thank you. Here you are your tickets.
              Have a nice day.
Adara: Thanks, you too.

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012



Here are some ways to be a good citizen:

Being a good citizen is very important because it is our responsibility helping people, our city, our world, but also take the environment to live with health, security and harmony. This is being a better person and being accepted for all.

A good citizen is a person respects others and their property, is helpful and considerate, listens to the views of others,  helps people in need, respect the rules and obey the laws, respects the environment and doesn’t  damage, also a person who works hard, is mannered and pleasant, is always willing to learn, is polite with the people, also don't drop litterin the street and exercises their right to vote as citizen.

We can be a good citizen for our world and for all.

Are you a good citizen?

Traveling Mexico.

Traveling Mexico

San Martin Texmelucan has the biggest market of Latin  America there you can buy fashion clothing.

In Teotihuacan city there are pyramids. The pyramid of the sun is one of the biggest of Mesoamerica, there are 365 stairs.
An other important pyramid is Kukulcan located in Chichen Itza Yucatan; it is a new wonder of world.

In Acapulco there are beautiful beaches, such as Caleta, Puerto Marquez and Pie de la Cuesta. You can enjoy the Sandy beaches. Here the nightlife is spectacular. There are many impressive hotels.

In México there are  many popular and famous cities for its food, for example:
Puebla city has dishes like, el mole poblano, los chiles en nogada, also las cemitas, molotes and las chalupas.
Also in Puebla city there are typical sweets as el camote, las alegrias, los borrachitos, los polvorones, among others.

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

My house.

Dear Cuc.

Hello friend!!

I live in a single story house. We have a view toward the street, in front of my house there is a shop and a big park. My house is pretty but small, it is in a neighborhood in the center of Puebla city.

My house is special because is the coziest of all, also is special because is my family, is comfortable, is clean but also because is quiet.

I would preferred a house big with a big garden and a swimming pool, but my house like me, although  is very cold.

See you later friend. Write back soon  and tell me about your house.


martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Activity for team.

Adara Zamora López
Fabian Castro Novoa


There he is! We join the scene from the air, can see the suspect is driving his car very fast through the city. The car is going along George Street toward the tunnel. He is going past a hospital and on his left there are some scared people but the car is turning right and then after 5 blocks it  goes across the avenue toward the park, after he is going up the hill, he stops and a man get out of the car, after he goes running over the bridge but he falls because the police shot him in his leg,  finally he is trapped for the police of place.  

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

My Daily Routine.

My Daily Routine.
Every day in the morning I get up at 6:30  am  hours, make my bed, take a shower for 15 minutes, have breakfast,  wash the dishes and brush my teeth  after walk to take the bus and walk to my classroom, at the school I have 3 lessons with my teachers of law, I am at the school of 8:30 to 2: 30 hours, after of school I go to house and eat with my family, then do my homework and sometimes do exercise in the gym later at the night watch the TV, then surfing in  the internet, after have dinner with my sisters and my mom, brush my teeth and go to bed.
On my perfect day I go out with my boyfriend to see movies at the cinema, in the afternoon also would like do the shopping and take a coffee with my friends.

Also the saturdays I help to my mom to do the hose chores  because it´s a obligation of all the members.

Personal information.


My name's Adara Guadalupe Zamora López, I am 21 years old, I am from Puebla, I am studying law at the BUAP, My address is 4 east 206 A neighborhood  La libertad, my phone number is 2223483720, I am short and thin, I have eyes brown color, I have short, straight and brown hair, also have thin lips and I wear glasses. My favorite sport is  soccer and my favorite team is Cruz Azul, I like listening music in my bedroom it is my favorite place. I have 3 sisters smaller than me. I live with my mother her name is Olga, my house is small but pretty, I don't have pets bacause to my mother doesn't like. My bestfriend is Habacuc, he studies law with me at the BUAP, he is very funny. Also my favorite food is the spaguetti. My favorite music group is camila bacause they sing romantic songs. My favorite actor is Robert Downey, he is actor of the movie Iron man. My favorite movie is El Laberinto del Fauno because has reality with fantasy. I like going to the cinema and eat many popcorn. For finalize, my boyfriend is called Paul, he is also my bestfriend and I love you.