martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Working to help the sea turtles.

Dear Esmeralda

Hello! How are things? I’m here working to help the sea turtles for this week, where I’m working this summer is in a project conservation in Cancun, Mexico and It’s very fun!.

This project conservation is important because we help to save  the sea turtles. You probably think that all we do here is work to help the sea turtle, but it isn’t like that at all! Yesterday we went to the beach to collect trash for recycling and make things to collect money. We also organize many activities like  cooking a barbecue grill and going on a nature hike. We’ve already helped to save 30 sea turtles only in one day, it’s fantastic! 

The best part about this project conservation is that we helped the endangered species, to protect the environment and that continue reproducing the sea turtles. Really I’m very happy and I’m proud of doing this for the turtles.

I hope you’re having a great summer, too. Write back when you get a chance.

All the best,


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