jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

My house.

Dear Cuc.

Hello friend!!

I live in a single story house. We have a view toward the street, in front of my house there is a shop and a big park. My house is pretty but small, it is in a neighborhood in the center of Puebla city.

My house is special because is the coziest of all, also is special because is my family, is comfortable, is clean but also because is quiet.

I would preferred a house big with a big garden and a swimming pool, but my house like me, although  is very cold.

See you later friend. Write back soon  and tell me about your house.


martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Activity for team.

Adara Zamora López
Fabian Castro Novoa


There he is! We join the scene from the air, can see the suspect is driving his car very fast through the city. The car is going along George Street toward the tunnel. He is going past a hospital and on his left there are some scared people but the car is turning right and then after 5 blocks it  goes across the avenue toward the park, after he is going up the hill, he stops and a man get out of the car, after he goes running over the bridge but he falls because the police shot him in his leg,  finally he is trapped for the police of place.  

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

My Daily Routine.

My Daily Routine.
Every day in the morning I get up at 6:30  am  hours, make my bed, take a shower for 15 minutes, have breakfast,  wash the dishes and brush my teeth  after walk to take the bus and walk to my classroom, at the school I have 3 lessons with my teachers of law, I am at the school of 8:30 to 2: 30 hours, after of school I go to house and eat with my family, then do my homework and sometimes do exercise in the gym later at the night watch the TV, then surfing in  the internet, after have dinner with my sisters and my mom, brush my teeth and go to bed.
On my perfect day I go out with my boyfriend to see movies at the cinema, in the afternoon also would like do the shopping and take a coffee with my friends.

Also the saturdays I help to my mom to do the hose chores  because it´s a obligation of all the members.

Personal information.


My name's Adara Guadalupe Zamora López, I am 21 years old, I am from Puebla, I am studying law at the BUAP, My address is 4 east 206 A neighborhood  La libertad, my phone number is 2223483720, I am short and thin, I have eyes brown color, I have short, straight and brown hair, also have thin lips and I wear glasses. My favorite sport is  soccer and my favorite team is Cruz Azul, I like listening music in my bedroom it is my favorite place. I have 3 sisters smaller than me. I live with my mother her name is Olga, my house is small but pretty, I don't have pets bacause to my mother doesn't like. My bestfriend is Habacuc, he studies law with me at the BUAP, he is very funny. Also my favorite food is the spaguetti. My favorite music group is camila bacause they sing romantic songs. My favorite actor is Robert Downey, he is actor of the movie Iron man. My favorite movie is El Laberinto del Fauno because has reality with fantasy. I like going to the cinema and eat many popcorn. For finalize, my boyfriend is called Paul, he is also my bestfriend and I love you.