martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Working to help the sea turtles.

Dear Esmeralda

Hello! How are things? I’m here working to help the sea turtles for this week, where I’m working this summer is in a project conservation in Cancun, Mexico and It’s very fun!.

This project conservation is important because we help to save  the sea turtles. You probably think that all we do here is work to help the sea turtle, but it isn’t like that at all! Yesterday we went to the beach to collect trash for recycling and make things to collect money. We also organize many activities like  cooking a barbecue grill and going on a nature hike. We’ve already helped to save 30 sea turtles only in one day, it’s fantastic! 

The best part about this project conservation is that we helped the endangered species, to protect the environment and that continue reproducing the sea turtles. Really I’m very happy and I’m proud of doing this for the turtles.

I hope you’re having a great summer, too. Write back when you get a chance.

All the best,


domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Endangered animals.



The Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi).
Also known as the gray wolf, is the smallest breed in America but is one of the highest risk animals on the planet, due to the destruction of their environment as forests and temperate grasslands, poaching, and extermination campaigns promoted by government. Officially declared as an endangered species in 1973, yet still survive some of the Mexican wolves, about 50 wolves were released in reserves in southern Arizona and New Mexico. Its height is 65-80 centimeters and a length of 135 centimeters, with an approximate weight of 21 to 45 kilograms.


The Mexican prairie dog (Cynomys mexicanus).
The Mexican prairie dog is a species that is in the south and ever inhabited a small region of valleys and mountain pastures between Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi and even Zacatecas, Mexico. Today this species is extremely limited due to the destruction of their habitat, agriculture and livestock.
These animals live in burrows interconnected by a network of tunnels. Actually, they aren’t dogs; they are rodents relatives of groundhogs.


Vaquita marine, known as cochito. (Phocoena sinus).
Lives in booking the Gulf of California and the Colorado River. It is one of the smallest cetaceans and only species endemic marine mammal in Mexico. The Mexican government has invested 30 million pesos to achieve its conservation, it is an endangered species. In total there are 150 copies of vaquita marine. This animal measured
150 centimeters and weighs up to 50 kilograms, its color is dark gray and doesn’t jump like dolphins, emerges just a few seconds for take air. The fishnet of gill have caused that the vaquita marine is endangered. See a specimen of the vaquita marine is almost impossible.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Everyday English.



Consuelo: Hi, Adara and Erika! What are you doing?
Erika: oh, hi, Consuelo. We are just making some banners for the clean-up day at the local park the next week.
Adara: the clean-up day is very important to encourage people to protect the environment.
Consuelo:  Oh, really? Can I give you a hand?
Erika: Yes, we need to put up some posters and decorate the venue.
Consuelo: Yes, that’s no problem. What time?
Adara: around 7 to put up posters and one more hour to decorate the venue, would be great.  
Consuelo: Ok, see you at 7, the next week!
Adara: Great. Thanks, Consuelo!

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Charity event


The Jugueton is a charity event that is celebrated each year the January 6 in Mexico.

People and companies donate toys to the children of houses homes, landfills and hospitals.

Toys are delivered to the children as a gift from the three wise men every year.

The Jugueton is hold by TV AZTECA México with the objective of seeing a smile in the children.

Every year they aim to increase the amount of toys and invite  the society to participate.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

The hurricane



Well, here I am in the Caribbean and I can’t believe my eyes!
The hurricane has destroyed many buildings and conditions are terrible.
Our team has started to bring supplies and clear roads. There are people down of the rubble and some missing.
We have collected money for give food to the people than are in the street. Also more volunteers have just arrived. Together, hopefully, we can rebuild the Caribbean after this awful disaster!

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Biography Albert Einstein

Biography Albert Einstein

He was born on March 14th, 1879 in Ulm. He was a famous scientist, philosopher and physicist.

As a child, he grew up in Munich by his family. He attended Luitpold grammar school then he learned to play the violin because he was a very quiet child.  After when he was 15 years old left school and went to Milan because his ambition was to be a Maths and Physics teacher. He finished of study the university in Zurich in 1900. In 1901 he got a job in Swiss Patent Office and there he worked on Maths problems in his spare time.

Some years later , in 1905 he published scientific theories including “Special Theory of Relativity”. After in 1921 he won the Nobel Prize for physics and also published over 400 scientific works.

He died on April 18th, 1955 at 76 years old. He was a famous person and very intelligent person so he was recognized all over the world.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Mexican Legend



The Cheneques were a strange monster in the Mexican mythology. The Cheneques were small creatures about 1.20 m tall with the foot backwards, shapeless body and with a long tail, but also they didn’t have the left ear; and they lived at the forest and the jungle. The Cheneques were very naughty and they are similar to elves.

In the Mexican mythology the Cheneques lived at the forest and the jungle, they cared the nature, springs, trees and the wild animals. The people say that the Cheneques scare the children and disappear during 3 or 4 days and they doesn’t remember anything.